Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yay for Me!

Morning!!! I just wanted to write a quick note to tell you a personal "YAY" for me!  I have been a juvenile Diabetic since the age of 8, so for the past 26 years I have struggled with weight, and blood sugars and Insullin injections.  The main goal everytime I go to the doctor is to lower my overall blood glucose levels, ( A1C).  The only way to do this is by having lower blood sugars, less insullin, and basically changing your diet.  I have done this for less than a week and I have been able to drop my Insullin almost 2 whole units an hour.. this is a HUGE thing. :) The less Insullin I take, the easier it is to lose weight.  The less Insullin means lower blood sugars too!   The average range they want me in is from 80-120, I can honestly say I have not gone over 140 in the last 5 days!!!!  YAHOOOOOOOO  This is soooo awesome for me.. I really am excited! In just a short amount of time, Ive lost 2 lbs, and lowered my Insullin by 2 points!  I guess my rambling point today is that all you have to do is put your mind to something and you can achieve it. My goal in order to lose 2 lbs a week is 1542 calories.  I have been able to stay under 1500 calories all week, sometmes only eating 1000 calories -- due to the excercise I have been doing.  ( In the app I use, when you excercise you gain calories back to make up for the ones you burn, so thats how I end up with less than 1500)  Just wanted to share my good news :)  kisses amy

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